Sunday, December 23, 2012

Aroma USB Freshen Your Space

See-gadgets Aroma USB Freshen Your Space

 One of my first jobs was working during a huge office in one of those very little cubicles. It wouldn’t have been thus dangerous if the guy that worked directly across from bad didn’t bring the most horrific things into the workplace to have for lunch. I’m talking liver and onion leftovers, some form of day old curry and a runny brown concoction that I never was ready to identify. I used to simply sit in my rickety old table chair and gag.

If only I had the Aroma USB, an incredibly useful USB operated cold mist unhearable fragrance dispenser. This non storage USB may be used with almost any fragrance oil out there on the market, and it will deliver its ambiance enhancing scent for up to an entire week on one refill. The Aroma USB promises to envelope up to a 10 foot space in aromatherapy -like cloud nine.

The Aroma USB allows you to adjust its fragrance strength and use simply what you need in order to mask any unpleasant smells perhaps emanating from your neighbor. this may be the perfect secret santa gift for your but sweet smelling roommate or office buddy, and, it may be the only hint they have.

Thanks: coolest-gadgets

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